Honoring Oliver

Oliver's Hope Garden
We planted this tree in honor of our first son Oliver. We love him and will never forget him. We know the garden can be sad, but we want it to be full of love and want his family surrounding him.  If you want to donate a rock, please mail it to us or come over and drop one off in the garden.

Our precious baby Oliver's footprint from the hospital. His foot looks perfect.
If you check the the right side you will see a prayer flag. In many cultures and religions prayer flags are used to honor someone who was loved. They are made out of handmade paper or cloth. Prayers are said while the flag is being made. Then you hang the prayer flag outside and as the elements cause the flag to disintegrated the prayers are released to the wind. We hiked Brown Mountain Trail in Shennedoah National Park, VA.


  1. I feel like getting my paper doilies from the kitchen and decorating my front yard. Such a beautiful thing to do. God Bless Oliver!

  2. I love all of these! You and Andy are amazing people!
